Monday, July 23, 2007


Pata Nahin where life goes....
The name is kinda apt to sum the way i feel sometimes so vent up that you have no idea where the life goes,you are in love with something or someone but not knowing whether or not you will get it,wake up early in the morning with that "Feel Good Factor"(No Offence meant to NDA's India Shining Campaign)
that things will work for you,happen to curl at my aunt s place with Readers Digest and the book is all about people followong their dreams and getting there.i have a purpose in my life,for petes sake even a stray dog on the damn streets has one,just get his square meal in the day then bask off in the afternoon sun,lazing and staring at whom he wishes to,making the faces he wants to,sure that nobody will care,envy this dog once in a while,you lnow feel so strange,when it rains i just wanna go out an get wet,for petes sake it is my damn life why the hell should i care about the bimbo who thinks that i am being absoulte whacko,or about the guy who "pity's me",for petes sake gimme some peace of mind.....
Akka getting married..pata nahin what to think,pata nahin what to say...a day at atime..feel kinda sad sometimes...Just want my "dida" to be happy,real happy,Feel kinda strange the way i "Baptised" her like that,well my reasoning is she calls me Shinn"A"so why should i call her didi, did"A" is better....
Akki joined NITC,hoping she copes up with "LIFE",hoping she comes up good,finally getting a chance to prove herself,she is pretty good....

Just wanna live my life on my way...cos i wanna live only once.....

"When you really wanna achieve something the whole universe conspires with you to help you achieve it"

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